IG Passive House Bulgaria is being established

IG Passive House Bulgaria is being established

On Studio APXE’s initiation and with the support of upholders in the passive buildings sphere a non-profit organization which will be called IG Passive House Bulgaria (Information Group for ptomoting the passive standard in Bulgaria) is under a procedure of establishment. The goal of this group is to make this highly energyefficient for buildings standard widely known in Bulgaria. This will be achieved by distributing proffessional information by various means. The idea of the organization is to emphasize the energy efficiency, the comfort of living, the contribution to the ecology and the financial benefits for the owners and also to make possible the standard certification procedure. Good building practices will be collected, appropriate materials and systems for the standard achievement. The ambitions of the organization is to attract numerous members and the first have already declared their participation and support. These are mainly big international companies interested in the fast development of this kind of construction in Bulgaria.

See material on the topic (source: BTA)

See a report on the bTV News

Listen to a report on RFI

IG Passive House Bulgaria is being established